A Spiritual Journey Over 40 Years in the Making...
name is Joseph E. Bowden. I am an independent gospel
artist that was born and raised in Washington, D.C.
where I attended school and church. I am proud to say
that I am a product of a very religious and caring family.
During the early stages of my life there were three
people that really inspired me a lot. That was My Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ, my mother, and my grandfather,
the late Rev. Harvey Bowden, Pastor of the West Union
Baptist Church located in Weldon, North Carolina.
My grandfather was a great preacher and a great gospel singer who passed his talents down to my mother who was also a great gospel singer. The late Mrs. Mary M. Williams was the president of a female gospel group known as the Angelette Gospel Singers. My mother was the inspiration behind me ending up singing gospel. She saw the potential that was instilled in me to become a singer at the age of ten years old and asked a sweet lady named Ms. Esther Bell who was the director of the youth choir if I could join. After joining the choir, Ms. Bell taught me a lot of the basic fundamentals of singing background and lead gospel. I sung with the youth choir until I became twelve.
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